Wednesday, February 4, 2009

His Nephew's Joke. . .

To my shock, Mr. Tests actually texted me yesterday afternoon.

His nephew's joke as follows:

What kind of bees make milk?

BOO-BEES (say it fast)

Not the best joke but not the worst. His nephew is 13 which is sounds about the right age for this joke, I like the second one better:

What tops starts at the bottom?


I asked Mr. Tests if he was ready for a dirty joke he said yes, so this is what he got:

What do KFC and Women have in common?

After you've done with the breast and the thigh, all you have left is a greasy box to stick your bone into.

He responded with:


I said:

U said you were ready :)

I'm thinking I won't get my official invite to the Taco Soiree.

But honestly, I love my dirty joke and as girly as I can be, I still like to be a little dirty and have fun. I also can burp pretty loud. Either you like it or not but that's me.

Anyway, I have another one on the line over at Plenty of Fish. . .

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