Thursday, October 1, 2009

Breakups by Zodiac Sign

So today is kind of going to be shot to sh-t at work because I don't really have anything to do. I have small projects to work on but that's about it. I really hate being bored at work. I prefer to be overwhelming busy.

Anyway, since the cats are away, I am going to be a mouse and play all day on the wonderful, wonderful internet. I found out how to best cope with a breakup based on my Zodiac sign via a link on

Not that I have any man to break up with or not that there is any breaking up going on. But anywho, since I am a cusp baby (born on a cut off date)- here are my two ways of dealing with a break up:

You love normalcy, but pretending nothing happened does not make things normal. You can multitask by reorganizing photo albums and removing the pictures with the ex - shredding of said pictures is optional. Friends of Gemini: your friend will be momentarily hysterical and then act like you're crazy if you think she's upset. It depends on which personality is in charge that day.

The best therapy for an angry Cancer is to show your ex and yourself that life goes on! Going out on the party circuit and feeling available will quell that anger and create new reasons to be sentimental. Friends of Cancer: take your friend out to a fun place where you all can cut loose - within reason.

I have definitely gone the Gemini route before and immediately took down/got rid of all photographs (they are kept in a hot pink shoe box in my closet). Interesting.

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