As I wrote before, the I Wrote This For You is a profound and beautiful blog and this entry reminded me of myself about two years ago.
My ex boyfriend, L, and I had been broken up for a couple of months and I found that although I was working on moving on, I had started a new job, I was dating (all things that are a recipe to heal a broken heart), small thoughts about him would creep into my head randomly all day long.
I would be getting tea for breakfast at work and I would remember that his favorite is chamomile.
I would cleaning out the dirt underneath my nails and remember that he'd comment on them.
It was as if I was rebuilding my foundation, a life without L, and yet these small insignificant thoughts caused fissures in the cracks of cement that was the material of my reconstruction. I realize now that it meant I hadn't fully moved on but it was haunting none the less.
9 years ago