I love Seattle. I honestly really do love Seattle and all things Seattle.
That's why I'm writing this blog, why I've been living here for almost a decade, why I try to get everyone I know to come visit . . . I even love the weather. Most of the time.
I love the winters when it's cold and rainy; almost every year we get snow here at sea level. Which to me is pretty cool. And it totally puts me in the holiday spirit.
But- This Time of the Year is what kills me. It's the second day in June and the weather forecast (drumroll please) is for rain ALL WEEK!
Yes, this is when I'm about to lose my s***.
I come from a place that is generally sunny all year long and while I don't necessairly want that (because I love fall clothes, the snow, and SEASONS!) I miss the sun right about now.
Like the desert misses the rain.
Because it should be warmer than it is. Or at least be gorgeous only on the weekends. Hell, I'll take it being sunny on the week days even though I'm in an office. I just want sun and the weather that it's supposed to be this time of year.
I'll warm but muggy!
This Time of the Year should also be known as My Almost Breaking Point.
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