Although this isn't about Seattle, I thought I'd share what I consider the most simple, straightforward, and informative article I've found in regards to creating a good credit score. While I was purusing the internet today, I came across this article about how you might be ruining your credit score.
I'm a twenty-something and deathly afraid that I'm trashing my credit and that when it comes time to purchase a house or car or a boat (in my fantasies!) I won't be able to.
I have credit card debit and I want to know how to best handle it in order to improve my credit. So whenever I see links to articles about credit, I always click.
Then I read it and feel more lost than ever. I get lost in the garagon or there is a disclaimer stating, "well, there are differing views on . . . " Which doesn't help me.
That's why I was so excited about this article- it made perfect sense to me!
My quick intrepretation of the article (to keep it brief):
1.Be willing to try to change what the credit card company's rules. An example from the article- Had one late payment? If your record is squeaky clean, ask them nicely to remove the blemish from your credit history (which, remember, could cost you up to 100 points on your credit score).
2.If the company ups your limit beware of spending more.
3.Don't transfer balances! Lower debts look better for you.
And here's more on the author's Marie Clare blog.
Hope this helps!