In honor of Seattle's Block Party this weekend (I only get to attend one day of it because tomorrow I'm flying to Vegas for a dear friend's 30th birthday), I decided to listen to Vampire Weekend (V Weekend)because they are playing tonight at the Cobra Stage at 10:45 pm (if they go on at the scheduled time).
I've been listening to their one and only album for the last couple of days and I'm completely addicted. Mostly because their lyrics fanscinate me.
As most peeps who know me, I'm big on lyrics. I may not recongize a badass guitar rip being played on the C string BUT if I love a band or a musical artist you BET YOUR ASS I'll know all of the words to their songs.
One particulary catchy tune, Oxford Comma, has really got me thinking because I don't entirely understand the song. So today, while I'm on my company's dollar, I decided to google "vampire weeekend interviews" and found
this interview.
My favorite part?
'"So," I ask, "in the couple of months between now and the release of your LP, what is the fourth thing you would like journalists to focus in on?" It's not an easy question, I'll admit, but for my own piece of mind, I'd like to pretend that I'm offering Koenig some kind of journalistic reprieve. "I guess I'd like to hear people ask more specific questions about what inspired a song, either lyrically or musically . . .'
I'm DYING to know what inspires their song lyrics.
Best surprise?
' . . .I wanted to talk about: Lil Jon -- the king of crunk named-checked on "Oxford Comma," the last and best song on the band's first EP. "I love him," Koenig answers. "Well, I specifically like ["Get Low"] a lot. I like the dance where you point your hands to the window and to the wall. I don't dance a lot, but I did have a couple of experiences dancing to it." '
I love indie-rock/emo as much as the next hipster but I also love rap- sometimes I get a hipster nose/music snob nose turned up at me for saying that. And I, too, have had a couple of experiences dancing to "Get Low".
And the Lil' Jon inspired lyrics to read for yourself:
First the window, then it's to the wall
Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth
Show your paintings
At the united nations
Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth
For more about V Weekend, read here, here, and here. And a great article by The Badger Herald.
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