Monday, October 13, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

Today I'm having a case of the Mondays.


-I woke up at 8 am, oh wait, I'm supposed to already BE at work.
-I waited too long to go to Cherry St. and they didn't have any more plain bagels left :(. I should have gone earlier, so it's my own damn fault. But I really wanted a toasted bagel with butter this morning!!!! It's my breakfast.
-I finally decided that although it was a bit of splurge, I had to have a dress that I found online at Anthropologie . It was on sale and simply stunning. It would be great for work, a wedding, I could dress it down, etc. I decide to buy it first thing this morning and it's gone. Again, I waited too long and it's prolly gone forever.

Boooo! I don't like today.

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