Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When Having a Good Memory is Bad

I am cursed with remembering ex-boyfriends' birthdays. In general, I remember people's birthdays and unfortunately that extends to ex-boyfriends. Today is one of their birthdays. Since, he emailed recently I sent a quick note wishing him a happy birthday and hopes that he celebrates and has a wonderful day.

I did this because birthdays are special to me and I believe that they should be celebrated.

But I'm an idiot because I went to check his mom's facebook page out of general curiosity (we're friends) and then clicked on his current girlfriend's page (this is when I made an idiotic move). I had been wondering whether or not they are still together and lo and behold- her profile picture is of her among all of the girl friends in my ex's life. They are definitely still together.

And I am still alone.

Then I cried for a half minute.

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