In my last post, I wrote about how I was on a Semi-Wild Goose chase because once upon a time, three months ago, I hooked up with a boy that was one of the cutest I had ever seen.
At the time I was writing that post, I was feeling very doubtful that I would find my goose.
The last time I came down to Portland, I went in on a Saturday night, and he wasn't working or hanging out at work. My chances were slim that he would be there but I was starving after not having much of a lunch and drinking a whole bottle of wine at Stumptown (how could I refuse- it was only $10!!! and it was tasty) and his restaurant has pizza.
So I went in, hoping but doubting that I would see him.
I parked my ass at a bar stool and ordered a cider and a piece of pepperoni pizza. The bartenders didn't give the best service but I had a good time for the couple of hours that I was there.
I think the guy to my left was trying to hit on me but I wasn't having it. On my right, I had a pleasant chat with a French guy who lives in New York that was interviewing at hospitals to match for his residency and the guy next to him was a Portland newbie.
It made for a good V day but it would have been better if I saw B . . .